Kanchani Milk

Golden Goddess Milk

Turmeric is a root, like ginger, but with a bright and glorious, rich golden hue. It’s hard to find in stores in its most natural root form, but you’ll find it easily in the spice aisle of any market. Turmeric is an old (4,000 year old) Ayurvedic and Tradition Chinese Medicine remedy for many ailments. In Sanskrit, turmeric’s name is “Kanchani” which means Golden Goddess. Turmeric truly is a goddess of healing. It is anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory. And, if all that wasn’t enough to get turmeric in your diet right NOW, there’s research on turmeric’s ability to fight cancer. HERE’s a link to a brief, but full-of-information article on circumin, the main healing ingredient in turmeric. If you are using turmeric for an acute health condition, I recommend sourcing ALL organic ingredients to lessen your toxic load while trying to heal.

You may wonder why there’s black pepper added to the recipe. The black pepper works as a catalyst with the turmeric to make the healing properties available to the body. Just a little pepper is enough to release the circumin.

Kanchani Milk

Makes 2 – 8oz. servings


  • 16 oz. raw whole milk (or almond milk)
  • 4T raw local honey or to taste
  • 1T coconut butter or coconut cream, melted and warm, not hot
  • 1t dried turmeric
  • 1t chia seeds
  • 1t real vanilla extract
  • 1t local bee pollen
  • ¼t dried ginger
  • ¼t cardamom
  • ⅛t freshly fine-ground black pepper
  • a couple shakes of cinnamon

Directions: Put all ingredients in a large mason jar, cover, and shake until all ingredients combine. If you find that some of the dried spices are clumping you can use a blender or a stick blender to incorporate the ingredients. Let the milk sit for an hour or so for the chia seeds to expand before drinking.

Drink as is, refrigerated, or slightly warmed.